Day 1, yesterday -- drove from San Jose to Fresno.
I figured it couldn't hurt:
First Subway sub since moving to Cali -- interesting note is that they seem to have way move variety of toppings here: spinach and around 5 different types of cheeses were most notable.
Fresno pretty much reminded me of Edmonton. The central valley in California also is home to the most polluted air in most of the nation. Apparently it is also a fairly large meth centre. Great job offer where they are practically begging me to move there and run the emerg service, but I didn't move to Cali to live in Edmonton again:(
The drive from Fresno to Bakesfield is some of the most desolate land that I have ever seen...and I have driven through almost every area of Canada and the US. I think there is some water regulation thing going on politically as there are signs from farmers along the road stating that the dust bowl conditions are caused by water cutbacks.
Day 2, today. Just drove to Santa Barbara. I had forgotten how much I LOVEEEEE SoCal. The minute I saw the ocean from the 101 I decided that I am going to take the job tomorrow in The OC (apparently that's what the cool kids are calling Orange County) if it is not terrible. There's a good chance I may be offered a chief of staff role at that clinic as well -- we will see.
Off right now to see the clinic in Santa Barbara. Doubtful I can take the job for what they will offer me $$ wise, but you never know. From the small amount that I have seen so far of this town it is incredibly beautiful, population approx 100k.
70 degrees and sunny at my cheap hotel:
I planned on playing some poker last night in Fresno, but lack of sleep and talking to the clinic people for 5 hours resulted in me so tired.