JimmyHo Interesting concept. Variance believers will hate it. Wish I had it on some of my pots :). How do you invoke it, for a specific hand?
DataMn You don't invoke it. It automatically invokes itself. (You can set some thresholds, like the pot needs to be so big, or you have to have a minimum of x% of equity). Basically it takes away the variance for your "all in" pots. Reading a bit of the fine print, to get to the lowest "rake" level, you need to insure 300 hands every 30 days - but it counts a "hand" as a pot of 100 BB, and rates it proportionally (150 BB would count as 1.5 hands, 50 BB would count as 0.5 hands) so in reality you have to insure 30,000 BB worth of bets every 30 days to get the lowest rate of 0.25% So, you would be paying a minimum of 75 BB every 30 days to make sure that all of your all-in hands (within your set thresholds) pay out at expectation.