Maybe a dumb question, but whatever......
Typically I would just basically play ABC for a couple rounds, get some info and then start opening up gradually when I'm deepstacked . The problem I am having is when I move to a new table with a medium to short stack against unknown deepstacks . The blinds are often going up soon after I move, in most cases I feel I can't wait for info, so what should I do?
I usually play a little more straight forward where I have the chips to sit back a little bit.
If I have an M of less than 12, I am shoving any premium hand as usual. If I have an M of less than 10, I am shoving from the HJ or better with K high or better.
I don't switch up my play very much after a table change, especially if short as one can't afford to sit back and bleed BB's away while establishing reads. Once one becomes a short stack, they are going to have to accept they are likely to embrace some variance....and if that is the case, I don't think it matters whether I have solid reads on the rest of the table.
Didn't think I had to change up what I was doing, just wanted to hear some thoughts thanks hammer