costanza;340833 wroteYou are the racist for trying to say that I'm racist.
Why does my avatar pics bug u so much? Why so inquisitive into me and wondering why I do the things I do?
All of the gentlemen that I have posted are hip hop artists and that's how I choose to express myself, through hip hop because it's the genre of music I relate to most.
First, you clearly have no idea what racism is if you say I'm a racist for saying that you are a racist. And btw, you said I was a racist first, but again, I said enough with your childish bitch games so really no point in starting that (nah nah nah nah naah naaaah).
As for the hip hop explanation, wasn't that easy? Other than the hip hop artists (please forgive me for not recognizing these 'gentlemen'), who are mostly black I've only really seen you post what appear to be mentally challenged and severely stoned individuals who aren't black, so I guess do understand that you relate to what you post. I was clearly wayyyyy out of line suggesting you have a thing for black guys. Forgive me?
As for why I wonder why you do the things you do, sometimes people just can't look away ;)
......and back to KILL