Hobbes This guy was texting while driving....they found the phone still in his hand. They found his head in the back seat. Make sure all the young people you know see this.
roketinpoket If this is a serious question I'll have to guess that what's wrong is there are no "Likes" or LOL.
Milo Technically, that picture is not a FB post. There is also nothing wrong with it, per se . . . dumb fucker succumbed to Darwin, is all. Too bad about the Vette though, it's always the innocent who pay.
Hobbes Milo;340660 wroteTechnically, that picture is not a FB post. There is also nothing wrong with it, per se . . . dumb fucker succumbed to Darwin, is all. Too bad about the Vette though, it's always the innocent who pay. except the post said his head ended up in the back seat.
DennisG costanza;340671 wroteyeah, really that picture you posted is modified. Not true. Car is modified. In 1980 they actually made some 4 door versions...they have made a bunch of concept ones as well. found it...6 of them in 1980..
[deleted] DennisG;340675 wroteNot true. Car is modified. In 1980 they actually made some 4 door versions...they have made a bunch of concept ones as well. the corvette in the OP is a c5 model. couple/ 2 seater. gg
compuease DennisG;340667 wroteOrly? And another, kinda rare, but they are out there... lol.. Now if costanza hadd said no "production" corvettes with a back seat... different thing.. ;)
BrennerM In case you are interested, here's the real story: Anti Text-Driving Message - Car Wedged Under Truck Image Dude was 58 and it was 2005. Likelihood of texting: close to 0.
[deleted] Milo;340761 wroteBrenner . . . all these things are BS, but they are still funny. how is raising awareness for txting and driving, and somejuan dying funny?
Milo costanza;340762 wrotehow is raising awareness for txting and driving, and somejuan dying funny? BS in that they will take an unrelated picture/tragedy and ascribe it to behaviour they wish to discourage.
Milo Hobbes;340861 wroteKind of like smoking pot makes you microwave babies. Nonononono . . . that one's legit.