Was playing deep in a Party tourney when their software crashed while lounging in my Montreal hotel room. Was deep in another on Stars, so I kept checking for a couple hours, but Party never came back, and I decided to pack it in as I busted the other tourney I was in.
I just assumed they would do a chip chop or something.........but I looked at OPR today, and noticed I only received $59. The same $59 that I would have gotten if I had finished in the same exact spot where I was currently ranked.
Fortunately I took a pic of the lobby at the time.......and, it appears, they paid everyone the spot for which they were when the crash happened?
Here's the payouts according to OPR, and below that is the tourney lobby I took a pic of.
Tournament NameDatePrizepoolBuy-in$2,500 Gtd Rebuy 27 Nov 2012 00:15$2,500$11 R/A
GameRunningEntriesAvg. Buy-inNo Limit Texas Holdem.0 hour 0 minutes93$26.88
RankPoker PlayerPrize Won 1.
Acetime74$713 2.
quest332$431 3.
sfc21$275 4.
Just4m0ney$228 5.
bearhobb$190 6.
Willy_Wank3r$160 7.
MrMucKK$108 9.
hungry4chips2$83 10.
T8yourmoney$59 11.
El_Visitante$40 12.
seeaitch$40 13.