Jacen, like you, I defended myself in spots like this time after time..but over time, I also learned that the advice given here (try getting advice on 2+2 with this same hand) is pretty much on the mark. I had the very same leak (and sometimes still do, but know it's incorrect)..4k doesn't mean much right? But it does..
You give a generic situation, then add in all the finite details later to defend yourself..had those details (your given range for villain for ex.) been given to start with...maybe the advice would have been slightly different..I doubt it..but it certainly helps with making decisions.
Stack sizes are a huge part of playing the game, and need to be understood properly ( I am still learning on this, which is why I am following this thread to see where I am corrected..lol)
70K was 10% of chips in play. with 20-30 players left to me that seems like a significant stack, what's the question?
Thought there were only 12 players left in? 12 players or 20-30, doesn't matter...calling that spot is still -ev.