Tonychanman;339742 wrotewhat is your avatar? tattoo? origin?
Yes, the avatar is a tattoo on my right forearm. I paid $400 after I won my first tourney for about $750. A $35 buy-in that was almost winner take all.
I was craving a tat and always wanted kids names, but wasn't sure how to do it.
The cards are KQ hearts on bottom, with wife and I's names. Pretty straight forward. The top 3 are my kids: (Ten) Tanika (Jack) Jonah (Ace) Adara.
Each has a different suit, club with flames around it for the wild teenager, diamond with two swords to symbolize shield, my son loves swords and also is some what of a trooper and the spade has two eagle feathers to symbolize my middle childs love for culture (they are métis)
Of course every asks why it isn't a royal flush and answer is simple
KQ are the hole cards and the flop was broadway, stone nuts but we still have the sign in the kitchen that says "we don't always have it all together but together we have it all." nobodies perfect and a royal is just not real.