99 entrants, T10k, 20 minute blinds.
This tournament was last week, I probably should have posted earlier since now my memory of the hand is not 100%.
Early in the tournament, about 1.5 hours in, about to go on break. I'm repping a TAG style, I've been in 1 hand so far where I lost 3.5k with AQ vs AK, now I'm sitting at just over 6k.
Blinds 100/200, no ante yet. No read on villain, he's hasn't been in many hands and it's still early in the tourney.
I'm CO, 2 callers MP, I see QsKc and raise to 700. Villain/BB calls, two MP's call. Flop:
10s Js Kh
checks all around, I bet 1500, just over half the pot. BB check raises to 3.5k
Is a fold a no brainer here? should I even be folding? this is one of the tougher spots i've been in especially with no read on villain.
My logic is that I can rule out any of the big hands, AK, AQ, AA, KK otherwise I'd be looking at a 3bet preflop. He has enough of a hand to call my raise OOP so I can see him holding J10, JK, K10, or AX, and of course AsXs.
If i fold i'm down to 4k, blinds are still small enough that I'm not in serious trouble, though next round is 150/300 and the antes start the level after that.
Raise more preflop or just call. 700 just bloats the pot for no reason and will not get anyone to fold.
The rule of thumb is 3x BB plus 1BB per limper. So 1000-1200 pre - too much in my estimation with KQos, so I would just call.
After the flop, we have top pair and an up and down str8 draw. We only had 30BBs to start the hand, I'm looking to get it in. Ship over the raiser.
the table was folding a lot to any preflop raises, everyone was just limping so far, my PFR was probably one of the larger to that moment, but i see your point. I think once BB called, it was even more incentive for the other two to call.
would you ship over the raiser with a bigger stack? say 50BB?
I ended up folding the hand. I felt I could still rebuild my stack with the amount of chips I had left, and that I would just pick a different spot. I did tank for 2-3 minutes before doing so, since I was really wanting to shove because of the strength of my hand. I felt it was a strong enough hand, but at the same time I had a feeling I was behind. I'd say I was about 55% going to fold, so it was a close decision.
TP, OESD, AND a runner flush.
Me pushy pushy.
my initial reaction after the reraise was to shove. should have went with my gut, thanks for the feedback guys
even if you're behind you almost always have 7-14 outs, and some backdoor outs
Yeah I was pretty sure I wasn't drawing dead and had some outs to hit if I was behind, I just really felt that I was behind for some reason and didn't want to have my tournament end right there if I didn't hit my outs knowing I could possibly rebuild my stack with the amount of chips I would have left. That's how I felt after some analysis but in retrospect I probably should have shoved. Note to self, go with my gut..