STR82ACE;339590 wroteNeither. Both are only different kinds of rake, and totally unnecessary in the game imho. And you'll never convince me 100% of either high hand or bb jackpot gets paid out. Impossible for the average player to know for sure.
Want to treat players? Host a game with fair rake, no 'special' rake taken from the pot, and order pizza at midnight.
Had the BB Jackpot for quite some time there. I saw it payout with a Royal Flush vs top SF !!!! The odds of that happening was in the billions but it actually did and no it wasn't a set up! As far as these JPs being extra rake, the rake is extremely low at this place to begin with (I think max is under $7) and the HH payout is juicy. I would imagine these guys make enough $$$ not to care about stealing a few pennies/hand which is what it would work out to if they were being dishonest with that extra dollar for JP.
Oh and they always have pizza