costanza;339344 wroteI was actually going to Tell Dennis to ask darb for a bit of his time to review some stuff because I know they know e/o and it's probably better then spending 70 bux on something outdated
Not my place to throw that out there, hence the delete.
Also Dennis u don't know me or how much I play so don't offer ur input like u know me.
I am well aware of Darb's sng knowledge. I have known him irl for some time now..
This book is very current and under the scope right now..hence the reason I was asking if anyone has it or had opinions on it...for once your post might have actually had some value.
I am offering input so you quit looking like an idiot. You have posted absolutely nothing of value in the past how many months? You have proven to be the idiot you were when you joined the forum. I spent time in Vancouver with people that know you...they are credible and that was enough for me.
Now get off my cloud.
Who has the fucking book?? :laugh: