trigs;338574 wrotelol, no range? just soul read?
Meh, well....I can't see many other hands villain could have here...aside from reading spoiler and, IMO, a badly played set.
Villains range here IMO is (I am not counting 22, as I don't see villain floating the flop often enough):
j9+ = 3 combos
57 = 9 combos
55 = 6 combos
77 = 6 combos
68 = 16 combos
40 combos with 68 being the only draw that gets there.
Reasonable ands we beat J10, JQ, JK = 24 combos (again discounting hands like 78 as they don't call a river bet unless they "put us on AK")
I don't have pokerstove at work, but we are going to be good here about 37.5% of the time. I guess if we add in hands like 88 and 1010, our equity increases, but I doubt villain calls the turn and probably doesn't call anything on the river.
The river I can see b/f a bit, or c/c a 1/2 pot bet. If we check and villain shoves river, I guess it would come down to reads and whether we were checking to induce or to fold to a big bet.