Milo;338487 wroteHow many other Euro nations have you visited?
Do you think Sweden was better off before or after the Euro-zone treaty?
You mentioned school. What are you studying for, career-wise?
Fall-back strategy?
Brothers or sisters?
- hmm, I could count turkey here if you mean Europe. Otherwise we have norway, finland, denmark, England, germany, estonia, portugal, france, italy and Malta so 11
- Sweden is probably slightly worse off now, we don't really get any votes since we're only 9 million people :< I think we should consider ourselves lucky we didn't join the monetary unuion to since at least our currency is still pretty strong
- Toughest question so far, I don't know. My main motivation for studying this term right now is that I don't want to fail it again, I've cut poker down to a super minimum but honestly I'm super scared for school and my future, not because of poker but because I fear I won't get the discipline to get it right in time
- well, I'll want to take up poker again more serously when my studies tone down, I've pretty much stopped learned for the past months. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around tho, you finish school so you have a solid fallback? :P
- One 4 year younger brother, fat
Edit: that's all I had time for for now, I dont want to miss this 10 am lecture to ^^'