When we were talking about a new machine for her, I was soooo close to converting her to the PC world. Then at the last minute she kind of freaked out about the thought of not having her fluffy, puppy cute, happy all the time Mac world comforting her like a warm blanket. We got the mac mini and I get to do tech support in an environment I have no clue about.
That being said, we are where we are in this situation. So, we just have to deal with it.
I would try the firmware update you mentioned Comp, but this router hates my guts. At one point I tried resetting the password for it and somehow it got screwed up. I spent the next 8 hrs in one of the most hateful rages just trying to get the thing back working again. My dog Bob wouldn't even come in the room where I was working on it. He laid on the other side of the house staring at me with that scared dog look on his face.
Maybe I'll just try stringing a huge ethernet cable from the stupid thing to her studio and see if that works better.
Ok, tried the cable while she was playing on P*. Getting connections of 60% to 99%. Still crappy.
Will be investing in a new router this weekend. Any opinions on a reliable one for under $100? In reading reviews online, once again the interweb does absolutely nothing but confuse. One expert review says a particular Linksys is great, another says it's garbage and won't even do a good job as a doorstop.
Good example:
Well, pulled the trigger and went with this one:
Found more positives than negative comments. That's a start.