wildbill7145;338523 wroteDid you piss them off? If so, please describe.
Yes to the best of my knowledge I would be charged with donk crimes against humanity. But I submit in my defense...
If you haven't been following my twitter feed you wouldn't be aware of the bad run I have been enduring so far. I will write a more extensive report later but it's been quite a smack in the mouth by variance.
Well last night at the caesar's 7 pm was the tipping point. The chip leader has about 45k and I sit around 30k playing quite well. We have been battling and he clearly had his sights set on me for some reason. Numerous repops.of my preflop raises including a couple insta jams once where he shows 82. I'm okay with it as I know I'm going to catch him and make him pay eventually.
We hit 500/1000 blinds and I raise with KQ spades to 2500, he repops to 6000 in the small blind and I call. Flop comes J72 with 2 spades. He checks which completely blindsided me as c-bet is 90%. I weigh the options between betting to try and take it now or taking the free card and decide I have to take a shot. I put in 6000 and he flats. ???? Next card is A spades giving me the nut flush and he jams all in and I break my wrists getting it in against his set of 2's. Of course river pairs the seven and he wins.
That's when I excuse myself from the table say good luck to all. Steam walk to the car and head to Walgreens for some cheap beer and pain relievers (which I am putting to good use right now), get back to circus and drink said beer and head to a poker room (which is a loose interpretation in this instance) and donk it up within stumbling distance.
Needless to say I donked hot and cracked every hand in sight finally clearing the table around 4:30. Don't remember many hands but my wallet indicates a profit of about 250 bucks.
Now back to real poker as I take my last shot the 1 pm Aria.