Hellmuth's Mole;337812 wroteI'll bet Milo was watching the Fox News election propagand.....er.....coverage.
Actually I was listening to Newstalk 1010 on the car radio when I heard that and posted as soon as I saw the thread . . . it's an election, things change.
For the record, though it is a humour piece, and I chuckled, the OP's "cut and paste" bit is what is wrong with politics today. It is no longer enough to win an election in the arena of ideas . . . you must demonize your opponent for his "views", even if you need to mischaracterize what those views really are.
As for the content of the piece, I am pretty sure that the Blue States need the Red ones just as much as the opposite is true.
And, were I able, I would have voted for Obama. On balance, I think he weighs more heavily "pro" in the pros v. cons debate than Romney does. I take issue with some of his positions, but that is okay. I
really take issue with a few broken promises from 2008, but that is politics.