jontm;337452 wroteI'll save the chip analogy, but all and all thought it was very good; loved the details and "emotion" on the dragons, just wished the rigging and remote drive units weren't so visible at times.
Truthfully, was willing to pay triple what I did to see this and travel to USA, so pretty pleased to cross off the list. My son jumped in his chair at least 10 times with pyrotechnics and there were more than enough close up "wow" moments to say it was awesome.
We bought the tickets in August and got basically second from front row, center left, could almost touch a few (exagerating a bit, but as close as safe).
I was surprised though that the place was as empty as was; used only half of arena for stage and it was only a quarter full. I expected this to be a packed house on a Saturday night, especially given limited Canadian stops. Our hotel was litterally two blocks away and decent stay, so bonus there as well.
Kids said they loved it and we all got the t-shirts, well worth the road trip.
Nearly same trip as mine, except we were off to the left a little bit and we bought way too much merch lol