GTA Poker;337102 wrote
Payout structure?
and 40 something I believe.
I hate to see bickering going on and I do appreciate both the support/defense as well as the opinions. I hate to see ridicule in the form of help/input as in Richard's reply but my game is probably average or just below IMO so I'm not going to get too uptight about responses like that and just look for the important stuff in it.
The min raise call in my BB late in a game is definitely a leak that I have. My thoughts in this hand were, "I have 50% of that in the middle already. I am suited. I am 2nd in chips and can afford it". I was basically just looking for a better flop. 2p, top pair, trips, flopped flush etc. I was taken off guard by bottom pair and a so-so flush draw. As I said in another post, I'm not very profitable, so the call/fold just came down to risking a drop down the pay ladder if I lost and then went out in 4th.
Again, thanks for the input, that's why I posted...