is it too late to get in on this? I'll take 1% if not.
Tonychanman;339453 wroteis it too late to get in on this? I'll take 1% if not.
yup, 4.5% left
great, i'll ship on stars later tonight. (my first time BAP'ing)
Flying out Friday morning, get in at 13:30 loco.
Ill take 1% if your willing
yavvy;339516 wroteIll take 1% if your willing
Sure, lmk how much
whats lmk ?
Shipping 1% on stars later today
yavvy;339551 wrotewhats lmk ?
Shipping 1% on stars later today
Let me know
Another 1% please, shipping on Stars.
just waiting on funds to clear - should be there in the morning
did we ship this yet?
Play 1b tomorrow
Onsite, already found Steve Kerr, t8urmoney, popkorn, Mark_77, Nicklets and a few others.
Place is packed, 478 today.
Gonna be a Gooder.
695 runners today, at dinner break with 13k (avg 38k), will have 25bb's when back from break
Grind it
T8 doubles up twice within 10 min with KK each time...
4 min ago..
Corey Walker‏@T8urmoney
Busto, last hand on 10th level, AK<QQ for 75k pot
Was an up and down day yesterday. Came down to being on the wrong end of AK vs QQ battles, losing both having QQ once, K on river for a 70k pot dropping me to 25k........built that to 35K, only to lose with AK to QQ aipf.
Good news however, is that will now enable me to win the PLO event today. I believe it's a 10k x 3 bullets with 1/2hr should be the best structured PLO live tourney I've played......jiggity
Well......that didn't go as planned, busto'd the PLO 27th / 128
I was fighting the short stack the whole way on this one.....sat at about 1/2 avg from level 5 through 11
Key hands, I raised KK9t utg to 9k @ 2k/4k (54k)....1 caller behind and 1 in the blinds, both have me easily covered....flop 226 rb....I fire 13k at the flop....both call.....turn a 8 putting a flush draw out....checked around (probly a mistake, but I thought good chance someone has a 2), river A......blind bets out, I fold, other guy calls and the winner is A6 ffs.
Very next hand, get KK57 in BB, utg limps, shorty (but he just has me covered) in mp pots, I jam.....they both call
QQxxdd > TT86 when the flop comes 3 diamonds....this would have put me right about avg.......but I'm clearly not flipping good this weekend.
Tks for the support, for this weekend, feel I played well....but obv not good enough. I'll get em next time.