Thanks folks. Sorry for taking so long to respond as I have been without Internet access until today.
Yes we did an equity chop at 4 handed then proceeded to play on for the trophy and watch. Foxwoods ranks based on money won.
Glad I did as the 4th place stack hit a 2% shot on me to double up when we got it all in on the flop after the equity chop with the following hands me -> AdKsQsJd him -> AcKd8d2c on a Js6d3d flop and he hit a running offsuit 5 and 4 to make a wheel. Lol and yuck!
Not sure why Bluff has me linked to Sam Grizzle. Lol there is a resemblence for sure.
Here is the Foxwoods url for the results ->
Foxwoods Poker: Foxwoods 2012 World Poker Finals Event #12 - $400 PLO High Only - Final Results
Cheers, Steve