STR82ACE;336102 wroteHoly Crap!! We're BOTH older than Comp on this site!! But you still have a couple of weeks on me. And that youngen whippersnapper Comp best watch what he says to us old timers or I'd be fetching a good switching stick!!!
And I am NOT a dirt bag...but I can play one on tv!
What Canadian tournament would you play if someone were to give you a free buyin, and please justify your answer.
If you could play any other 9 players of your choice in a $100 SnG, who would they be? Dead or alive, famous or infamous.
Who would look better in a dress? Wetts or CrazyKoby??
Ever ride a motorcycle? What would be your dream ride??
PCA Canada cup as I'm too lazy to try to qualify on line and it's in the Bahamas!
The table would be a tough one... Negreanu, Timex, Ivey, mike the mouth, helmuth, Galfond, Selbst, Durr and Antonio.
Loaded question. Wetts for sure he may be able to pull it off with out anyone noticing! Koby may just be scarry, like watching an accident!
I have ridden before and almost killed myself twice. My dream ride would be driving the pacific coast Hwy or the Italian Amalfi coast in a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Convertible for sure!