djgolfcan SOLD OUT As the title implies, I am BAPing all the Bigger tournies on Stars. (except the one's too early). Its time to bink a Bigger one. Please ship to djgolfcan on Stars. 9:00am - $5.50 11:00am - $8.80 12:00pm - 22.00 1:00pm - $109.00 2:00pm - $11.00 3:00pm - $55.00 4:00pm - $162.00 5:30pm - $4.40 8:00pm - $27.50 8:30pm - $2.20 Total - $407.40 - Rounding to $410.00 5% - $20.50 10% - $41.00 20% - $82.00 50% - $205.00 BAPers jdAA88 - 5% - pd Hobbes - 5% - pd Trigs - 5% - pd Wolffhound - 5% - pd Milo - 5% - pd
djgolfcan Bigger $5.50 has started. Run Good time. Lol, ok, the first two have not gone according to plan at all. Still have a long day ahead, so we're not going to panic.
djgolfcan Bigger $109 - 103 / 1650 - $11,355 in chips - Avg is $5,555 Bigger $11 - 1844 / 9818 - $5,500 in chips - Avg is $4,800
djgolfcan I cashed in the Bigger $109 for $178.66 (373rd / 3078) Still going in the $162 Bricked everything else. Still have the $4.40, $27.50 and $2.20 to go as well
djgolfcan Above avg stack in the $162 - 331 / 933 Half starting stack in the $4.40 when some idiot couldn't fold his Q-6 to my AA and made 2pr on the river.
djgolfcan Out of the $4.40 Just double up prior to break in the $162 $14,690 in chips - Avg is $13,348 Sitting 124 / 385 - I don't even care how many spots pay, I want to take this down.