A couple days ago I had my first post in a very long time and it was to sell action for WSOPC taking place in Vancouver, BC. I normally don't post on here, infact I dont post anywhere as I'm way too lazy to do any writing in my free time. My Grade 8 teacher used to say I had a "mental shut down" when it came to writing.
After the BAP thread, I started exploring the threads on this site and when doing so I thought I should start my own thread tracking my progress in poker. There was another poker player that tried to do the same, but it felt like he missed out on a lot of the components that players were looking for such as graphs, poker theory, HHs etc.
I wanted to start a Poker Goals and Challenges thread on twoplustwo, but I feel the market for that there is way too saturated and didn't see one being done effectively on this site, so I thought why not make one here?
I am currently in my final semester in Economics with a Finance Speciaization at the University of Waterloo (Only 2 courses left!). I have been playing poker for about 3 years, but I would say I started taking it seriously and working on my game about 2 years ago when I met Vekked at "Buzzards".
Im 22 years old and in the past 2 years, playing part time I have made over 60k in profits (Online + Live), but I do not have much to show for it. Tuition, schooling expenses and partying have taken the bulk of my poker profits, forcing me to be stationed at midstakes for a while now.
I do plan on playing for a living once this semester is over and will take you guys along the ride with me. I will post my goals and challenges on this thread along with all relevant poker stuff. Currently I play/study poker 3 days a week (2 Days Grizinding- Mixture of Online or Live, 1 Day- Reflection/ Review HHs/ Watch training videos) and I grind low-midstakes tourneys. I usually slack on the study days, spending 3hours studying and the rest of the day youtubing cat videos. Hopefully this thread can motivate me to study more. The days I grind, I will share interesting stories about my life or poker related content, if there is something you guys want me to speak about. Let me know.
I am currently on my 2nd biggest downswing and it's been a bit rough.
~11k= ~3k online + ~8k live, mainly due to the fact that I took a shot at 10/20 and ran pretty poorly. Hopefully my run good will start now and you guys can be a part of it.
I will stop my ramblings at this point because there will be lots to speak about as this thread continues.
If you guys have any questions about poker or my life in general, please feel free to ask away.
Finally here are all my contact infos:
Pokerstars: Ram_siva1 (I will always show when I'm at the tables, so you guys can sweat whenever you want)