Cerberus;335914 wroteBest job you ever had?
Worst job you ever had?
Favourite theme park you've ever been to? If you haven't been to any, please to be explaining what in the bluest of blue hellz is wrong with you.
Sorry I didn't get a chance to answer this last night.
The best job I ever had was in the 90s I worked one Mother's Day at a Chinese buffet restaurant. between clearing a few dishes all we did was screw around and drink beer with the dishwashers in the back. At the end of the day I was paid $160 straight cash, it was awesome!
My worst job ever was my seven months of night shift at Walmart. My job was to unload the truck, then move the furniture boxes out onto the floor and shelves. I absolutely hated the propaganda that Walmart spews.
I do love theme parks but aven't been to that many. Canada's Wonderland obviously, and the crappy little waterparks in Kitchener. I guess my favorite would have to be the casino and amusement park rides at Point Primm Nevada. See the trip report thread from 2010 for the pictures and details.
Thank you all for a great great question week. I had a lot of fun!