JohnnieH;334750 wroteYou're stranded on a desert (not dessert) island: what 3 CDs would you want to have?
What made you move from BC to ON?
What was the biggest 'culture shock' you found when you moved here?
The three mix CDs Alpha made me. There's a very great mix of terrible music on them, but I'm not allowed to play them when she's in the car :( For actual CDs that weren't created for me, "Greatest Hits" by Aqua (has the most awesome song in the world, Back To The 80's; if I'm not allowed GH CDs, then I'd switch it for Aquarium), Great Big Sea "Up" and Pink Floyd's "The Wall". I've never actually listened to it, but everyone says it's such an awesome experience and I have this feeling that being alone on a desert island would be a very good environment to immerse myself in it.
Only reason to leave BC, especially Vancouver Island, is to get rich or get famous. I moved to become a pro wrestler.
Biggest culture shock was multiculturalism. Victoria, at the time and probably still now, was either the 2nd or 3rd "whitest" city in North America. I know Salt Lake City was number 1, but I can't remember if there was another one ahead of Victoria. To get off of a plane at 11pm with whatever belongings I could pack onto the plane and end up in a city with so many different races, religions and nationalities was definitely a surprise. I also realized that I was somewhat of a racist. Until I moved, I didn't realize that I identified people and stereotyped them a lot. Moving there helped me to become a better person.