jontm;334328 wroteDo you really convert poker winnings into Potato Heads? (there has to be a back story on this signature I am not yet privy to)
If so, any rare ones in your collection?
Ever buy any of the crazy Star Wars ones, or are there any that fit your wrestling gig?
Fast Five....if Vin Diesel and The Rock had come to blows, who would have won?
Lou Hulk or Hulk does that match go down?
Used to blow my poker moniez on Lego for the horrible, soul sucking ex. Now, it goes to my Mr. Potato Head collection, which currently sits at 48. I started collecting them back in 2008. I'd always wanted to collect something, but I never had anything peak my interest. Then I got an e-mail from my dad. Subject line: Darth Tater. I'm an uber punny person, so that combined with the relatively low cost (most are around $10-$20) and my lack of having had one as a child, along with an unfortunate hope spot pulled on me for my 18th birthday when a friend gave me a Mr. Potato Head box which I popped huge for only to find cookies inside instead (one of only 2 times cookies have ever disappointed me), and the deal was sealed.
Not a lot of rare ones, per say, but there's some cool ones, including a few Star Wars ones. Faves are probably my Miami Dolphins one, the 60th Anniversary wedding set (their hands are molded as one plastic so they never let go of each other; it's pretty cute) and my Looney Tunes set of Bugs, Daffy and Taz.
There are several Star Wars ones in my collection, including Chipbacca, two Darth Taters (they re-released him this year with legs instead of shoes and a different mask, so of course I had to have him), a Spud Trooper and R2 Potat2. Want to get the rest of the Star Wars ones, not because I'm a Star Wars fan (haven't seen 1-3 and haven't watched the originals in 20+ years) but because they always put more work into those ones.
Currently looking forward to buying the Superman and Wonder Woman versions. No wrestling ones yet which is a major pisser to me! C'mon man, you're telling me all those kids that buy Cena's 18 different t-shirts every year wouldn't buy a Cena Potato Head. That's not even counting Undertaker, HHH, Mysterio, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Steve Austin, Rock and Vince McMahon versions!
Did you not watch Fast 5? They came to blows, albeit somewhat briefly. I'm betting they go a little bigger in 6 and really give them some time to ass kick each other. My money's on Rock. Not only because he legit could whoop him, but because the story works better when he wins and Diesel's boys have to come save him.
Best way to answer that is to look at them then and now and compare. Hulk got fat. Lou is still a freak. Incredible > Hogan.