for all you haters this is real and it is happening:
I keep the bananas frozen because whenever I buy them I don't eat them soon enough and they go bad, I have now stopped purchasing bananas. Plus, I likez a cold shake!
Chopped them up on my killer cutting boardz!
I need my protein to wheel the ladiez!
Life is tough...I realized at this stage that I didn't have any peanut butter. I bought this cashew butter after watching some show where the character mentioned wanting a nut butter sandwich and then said how good cashew butter tastes -- I like cashews, so time to live on the edge right? EXTREME CASHEW BUTTERZ!!! (lol)...wat, I don't like the shake you go mofoz!
this is a blender to all of you haterz!@#$!@# lol
Have to shave for the date tonight lol was sitting on the kitchen counter -- extreme!
where was I? blending, that's where...take it in haters it's all real life for me:
I was so hungry I forgot to snap a pic before drinking lol
fk you trigs