Cerberus;333294 wroteFavourite food you know you shouldn't eat but still do anyways no matter how gross you feel afterwards?
Favourite childhood memory?
Childhood hero?
Current hero?
Favourite Disney movie?
Why am I so much cooler than Milo?
Why am I so much lamer than Compuease?
-Poutine is the one food that I absolutely love but it feels like I have a large lump of sludge in my gut after. It's just so damn tasty...
My favourite childhood memory was the frequent family get togethers with my Mom's family. They are a large family and we used to have at least two huge weekend long reasons to party (weddings, wedding anniversaries, retirement celebrations, etc...) They often took place at Maple Lake which is a large plot of land some aunts and uncle own where we have a few cottages on a small serene lake and there are no neighbours within eyesight or earshot. Some great great parties.
My childhood hero was actually a close friend of mine. Prepare the sappy music but it is true. I had a friend in grade school who was unlike all the other kids. Here are some of the things that continually impressed me:
-He was really intelligent. He was one of the few kids in the enriched learning classes throughout school and was always in the top 2 of 3 for grades in our class.
-He was a trend setter. He was never worried about what other kids thought and that made him the coolest not just in our class but in our school. He was the first boy in our school to get an earring (in grade 6?) and he started various trends that inevitably caught on.
-He also was really into comics and books which sparked similar interests in me. By the 5th grade he had me reading actual novels while the other kids our age where reading Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Ramona and Beazus, etc... I had a hard time plodding through my first adult novel but I wanted to be like him so I set myself to the task. I love reading and it has formed a large part of who I am now.
There are many more reasons why I always looked up to this guy but I'll limit it to that. This friend, if you haven't figured it out, is Nikola Mehes. He's 800over on the forum and I am proud to say that 31 years later we are still friends today.
I don't know if I have a hero per se. I do greatly admire my father because he is a an active and respected member of the community. He's achieved impressive things professionally. After a working his way up to a very senior position at Mutual Life (now Sun Life), he took a huge risk and started a company with an associate. After 6 years and many close calls (they almost failed and folded several times) they sold the company for a large sum but he stayed on because he was key the operation. Not satisfied with that, he left that company a few years later to start yet another company and after selling that company and then buying it back at a fraction of what he sold it for it is on the verge of being an even larger success. He's also very active in politics (municipal, provincial and federal) and he's passionate about helping small businesses and start ups in KW. He was awarded the Waterloo Region Entrepreneur of the year a few years ago. He is approaching retirement but I doubt he will ever retire because he has a drive that age simply cannot slow down.
I'm not sure if it counts but Disney owns them now. One of my favourite movies has always been the Muppet Movies. As a child, I loved the Muppets and as an adult they still make me laugh.
I'm not sure what it is that makes you cooler than Milo. I have met Milo and I haven't met you so you have that going for you. You actually have a background in wrestling which has been a guilty pleasure of mine since college so I respect that.
You are lamer than Compuease because you are one of us non of us is as cool as him.