djgolfcan;333049 wroteThat's what I thought, you egotistical little troll. Not once did I make a derrogatory remark about your intelligence (or lack their of). I thought we were having a civilized debate.
No this isn't a civilizied debate. You are deciding a childs fate based on war crimes caused by YOUR ignorance. Thinking you have a right to comment and judge him is stupid, I'm accusing anyone here that is judging, of being stupid.
I can see now, that for all your words, you are not open to new ideas or even entertaining the thought that your view may be wrong or scewed.
You are trying to convince me that a 16 year old child is liable for war crimes, vs a facist country/army. Also I never claimed i was capable of changing my mind.
Because I make posts in a bad beat forum does not mean I am not trying to improve my game.
I wasn't suggesting you were trying to improve, i was pointing out the lunacy of constantly complaing and sinking money into a game of skill you refuse to improve at.
By resorting to name calling, or making assumptions about me, you have told me all I need to know about you.
I did no such thing.
Go smoke another one.
Again weed is a positive thing, not were lied too. ( this stoner is playing 24 tables while typing this)
G'bye Darbday.
was actually hopin to see you in the strat section.