T8urmoney Sunday regular......think I've spent $250 already trying to satty into mirrion....good times
djgolfcan T8urmoney;332777 wroteSunday regular......think I've spent $250 already trying to satty into mirrion....good times You have been on such a roll this week. I wouldn't worry about the satties. You'll final table at least one today.
philliivey trigs;332783 wroteHelping a friend move today so no poker for now :( I am moving some stuff today too, looks promising I may have enough room for a desk so I may have a sick poker set up soon!.
[deleted] philliivey;332790 wroteI am moving some stuff today too, looks promising I may have enough room for a desk so I may have a sick poker set up soon!.
piggypie123 philliivey;332790 wroteI am moving some stuff today too, looks promising I may have enough room for a desk so I may have a sick poker set up soon!. That's something I need to do. It's been a bad sunday for me, like always. GL to everyone else today!