wildbill7145;332765 wroteJust out of curiosity, why aren't we doing this with Lottomax which seems (to this relatively noob lottery ticket purchaser) to have much higher prize payouts?
Because with the extra number, the odds of winning are more than twice as high.
6/49 odds: 1/13,983,816 for one line of play
7/49 odds:
1 in 28,633,528 for three lines of play
Since it is such a longshot already, I'd rather take my chances on getting 6 out of 6. Also, second prize in Lotto Max is not that high, so if you got 6 out of 7 in Lotto Max last Friday it was worth $7.5k (6/7 plus bonus was 480k)...and that's getting 6 numbers right.