SuitedPair;334880 wroteGraphs/description of tournament successes please.
we know you've been focusing on your game lately but please provide some history for the request.
List of results, or Hendon Mob links stuff like that.
no real live mtt results at all, punted 1k at fallsview in first couple levels because of a miss click, but then i was oi .. only live mtt worth noting this year.. dont want to include results from before that because they arent relevant... my online results are easy to find... if u need a link, let me know.
my live game is super sick right now, i closed my "going pro" thread, but ive had some good/great success of late... building my roll and having enough money to take a girl im seeing out and about....
also , ive found a live backer for some of the bigger buy ins, he feels that good about my game... when I first got to van, he bought as much action as I was selling, and he knows im a good investment.
Its not a necessity at all for me to even sell anything, as I will be playing regardless, but if i can sell some, and you feel up for a sweat then the more the merrier.
should also mention my squad is coming out next week to see me and play , so they will make sure i dont do anything fucking dumb or they will beat the shit out of me.