JimmyHo Where is the best site to register a domain name, host a site? What is a good free program to assist with designing a website? Anyone have experience with Hostpapa?
Hobbes No experience with Hostpapa, but I use 1&1 Good service and reasonable prices. I'm more of a technical guy, so I use Eclipse (php) for development
actyper I never switched my stuff from godaddy even though I should (political not service reasons). Everything I do is in wordpress now due to ease.
SuitedPair Host Papa was great. Had a sight with them for a couple of years and a buddy still has one. stable uptime, more than decent rates, great support. stay the fuck away from BlackSun. nothing but headaches.
JimmyHo Some more newbie questions: - if I create a website in one program, say wordpress, can it be formatted in another application? are they all based on the same html code or does each application use its own language/specific code? - for most of these free website design applications, and forum apps, can you still advertise with banners, etc. to generate revenue from other sites? or are they pretty well cookie cutter and since they are free applications, you are limited in how you can design the site?
RAM_Eh If you want to run an online website with purchases this one is by far the best. Canada's Ecommerce Software Solution | Shopping Cart Software - Shopify Canada