So playing 5-5 PLO at seneca had somewhere around 17+ in front of me, biggest stack was probably 3 something, on the button dealt AQQ4 2 hearts and 2 clubs, utg puts in 5, 2 folds another 5, then cut off was $35, I call hoping for a nice cheap flop, the blinds fold, utg puts in $110 cut off calls as do I....UTG was around 2k and cut off was 3k
SIGH 432 2 hearts, UTG checks, cut off puts out $225, I waste sometime, and call, UTG calls (FUCK!!)
Turn queen UTG checks again, cut off is now betting $350, I call again wasting time praying to get the UTG to fold, nope calls again (DAMMIT!!)
Rvier 4, UTG checks, cut off puts out $675 I was there enough to know now he is showing HUGE strength, meanwhile I actually made the nuts this NEVER HAPPENS TO ME. I waste a good 5 minutes move in UTG folds screaming he had AA, I get snapped off, "I have the nuts" was told "You can't have the nuts I have a 4" "Yes, so do I" the sickness he had 6543 2 suits.
SHIP IT!!!! somewhere in the area of 4k+ I stayed for an orbit of nothing and left! sat with only $1250
Calling the flop is super sketchy
Nh tho
I can agree, the flop call was bad enough, I was trying to bust a big hand basically if I don't make the nuts on the queen on the turn its a muck for sure! Based on sizes I was trying to get it all. I felt UTG had aces the whole way, he pops that flop or bets instead of check call I SO fold...mission accomplished I busted a big hand......I usually am the other guy that gets the screws put to him!
I don't understand, if you won a $4k pot, how did you only leave with $1250.?
GTA Poker
Maybe he kept playing like that:)
Nice pot
Lol I sat with 1250 originally....nah sometimes just go with the feeling to break a big hand
seems like your thoughts are way off here.....your drawing to the nuts.....otherwise you will fold if you brick....therefore you want UTG to call for more money in pot when you hit lol
I was hoping to isolate the big/made hand...not AA in this spot thats terrible although beats me and won't pay me off in ANY form....he was putting in dead money, I was confused why he called on the flop and then the turn, sometimes people can't lay AA down.
What confused me based on the pot and what the cutoff actually had, betting $350 on the turn was not enough, $600 I actually think about it, he calls pot, I might even fold.
isolate a better hand??? you dont like dead money????
and he had all the blockers for your hand why scare you away?
On the flop dead money is always good, I was unsure at that point what he really had, thinking I might have been far more behind is more what I meant, I thought AA but AA non hearts should SO fold that flop....seeing I had the ace of hearts it should have only been me.
yeah your drawing to the nuts though....A high hearts....and qq full on turn. without it you prob know your beat. very rarely qqq is good on this board. so if you make your hand your gonna win regardless of what the other 2 are doing. sooooooooooooooo more people putting money in the pot....the better