Terry Fox is a personal hero. I have participated in several runs, in several locations over the years - including the very first one in 1981 when I was in high school. I can't participate this year, because I am living in Dubai right now. There is a Terry Fox Run held here, but it happens in February.
One of my proudest days as a Canadian was several years ago when I was in The Netherlands. I was on a business trip to South Africa, and we arranged to stay over two nights in Amsterdam on the way. (This isn't as bizarre as it might sound - there are many flights from North America to Johannesburg that fly through Amsterdam.) It just so happened that I had friends who lived in The Hague at the time. I planned to visit them during my extended layover. By coincidence, that Sunday morning, was the day of the Terry Fox Run, and there was a site at The Hague. We all joined in for the event. They organized things differently there. They didn't expect people to raise money from sponsors. You just needed to donate 10 Euros to participate. The Canadian ambassador was there along with an oom-pah-pah band, and some Mounties in their ceremonial red uniforms. There were hundreds of people - mostly expat Canadians I assume, but many locals as well. It was a fantastic event. On the train ride from The Hague back to Amsterdam, I struck up a conversation with an American. I was telling her why I was in The Hague and about the run. I also told her the story of Terry Fox.
It is a memory that will last my lifetime. I hope more people join in today.