STR82ACE;330638 wroteWatched it online when I got home tonight. WICKED! This is going to be one seriously fucked up season!!
where are you watching this online?? all these sites seem to require download or paid subscription.
pokerJAH;330664 wrotewhere are you watching this online?? all these sites seem to require download or paid subscription.
I'll post the link when I get home. Meanwhile, make sure your MalwareBytes is updated :D
Tonight's episode...someone dies. Who is it going to be??
Clay? Opie? Tig? Juice?? Bobbie Elvis?
I'm thinking its Bobbie, taking a shiv for the Pres in the joint. But Tig is a good bet too, but somehow I think his character needs to extract some revenge before the season ends. Clay AKA the new Tiny has too big a role to play this season too, and Opie is just starting to rejoin the ranks.
I hate how they made juice such a pansy so hope he goes. Doubtful though.
My guess is that it will be Chibs. Here is my reasoning. Can't be Jax since he is the main guy. Won't be Clay, if Sutter wanted Clay dead then he would have just let Opie kill him last season. Clay still has a story to play out. Won't be Juice, for the same reason. Sutter could have just let him kill himself + the whole fact that Juice is the insider on the RICO needs to play itself out. Won't be Tig because still has a story to play out there as well. Opie is a small maybe, but i doubt it. So this really leaves either Bobby or Chibs. We could also just end up getting some misc. character getting killed, if this is the case then my guess is that it might be Otto. Either the SONS are able to get to him in prison for ratting the MC, or he might even die on deathrow
Forgot all about Otto. He is a likely candidate. Too bad too, I kind of liked his character. The MC Enforcer on the inside sort of connection.
another reason for Otto being a strong candidate is that Sutter said over the summer that he found doing double duty (playing Otto and producing the show) to be really difficult. He said that if he knew Otto was going to be such a key player then he would have cast a regular actor for the role. So he may choose to kill Otto off just to free up that responsibility.
I really hope that isn't the reason if it is Otto. Sutter portrayed Otto perfectly, and needs to find a way to keep him more involved, but considering the double duty he's pulling, I can understand the reasoning. Would be too bad though, as I think Otto could have been a much bigger character, however still doomed to die one way or another.
Otto's character is done, nothing really left to do with him. He is on deathrow so ultimatly going to die anyways. Has betrayed the club, so can't be used by the club as a insider anymore. It actually makes the most sense to kill him off. Let the club get revenge.
Also forgot to mention my reasoning for why it could be Bobby getting killed tonight. I believe the direction of the show has always been that ultimatly it will end up with Jax wearing the Pres. patch and Opie wearing the VP. Now that Opie is back at Jax side he should be wearing the VP patch, but how do you take it away from Bobby?? Bobby has done nothing wrong to have the patch removed so the only way to free up the VP position is to either have Bobby step down or killed off.
I agree with Bobby getting it for the reasons you mentioned. Is he a First 9?? I think so, can't remember though. Would be a huge loss to have Bobby gone, but its really the only way to give Opie the VP patch.
Bobby is not a first 9. The only first 9 left in SAMCRO was Clay and Pinny. We have never gotten the full story on who all the First 9 were. the only ones that i know of to date are
Keith McGee
I'm so pissed off, I can't believe last nights episode.
Just finished watching it today. No words. RIP!
The way you guys go on . . . it's like listening to my Mother-in-Law rambling about Coronation Street. Relax . . . dude will be brought back to life in six months. It was all a dream sequence, or something.
This isn't Star Trek ffs.
kwsteve;332719 wroteThis isn't Star Trek ffs.
Re-read this thread and get back to me. Not saying it is a bad show or anything, as I have not watched it. Just making an observation . . .