djgolfcan;330366 wroteAll you can do is be there for her. Let her know she can call you any time to talk about how she is feeling. The school will have grief counsellors available for the students, I would encourage your daughter to talk to one of them.
Its a senseless tragedy that defies reason. No one is to blame, sometimes bad things happen to good people.
This, Keep her talking to you. let her friends talk to you as well if they feel the need. you seem like one hell of a decent guy to chat with.
A buddy of mine's younger brother died when hit by a car on a snowy day. We were all in high school and had known each other since I was in grade 2. his brother was 3 years younger.
We weren't very tight at any point in time that we knew each other but when walking home from school we would talk about stuff from the past and how the loss was affecting him and his mom and dad. at the end of the walks as I dropped off at home he always seem lighter than at the beginning.
Keep talking, take everything you can from every minute, and realize somethings just happen by chance and for no reason. Take what ever good characteristics this kid had and focus on those so that it seems there is a reason.
Be strong and help her to be as well. Unfortunately this is life and this is one of the lessons. study well.