costanza;330030 wrotelol i was afraid this would happen.
i know from reading a bit online that getting news from major news outlets is skewed
I need to find a respected third party, or im never gonna learn fuck all lol
If you want to start learning about american politics, try this. Read their Constitution. Once you gain an understanding of that document, move on to the Bill of Rights. Then you can tackle the Federalist Papers if you like, but that can wait. All you really need to do is look at any given issue in today's campaign and ask yourself, where does this fit into the Constitution or the Bill of Rights?
For example, the Libyan conflict during the Arab Spring. It is the Law in the US that Congress, not the President, is the body that ratifies a Declaration of War, and commits troops to the fight. That did not happen with Libya, iirc, and so you need to ask whether or not that is a violation of the Constitution.
Healthcare is a big issue in this election. Look in the constitution of the United States and show me where it says the government needs to provide Healthcare for the people.
You are on your way . . .