Makaton Wanted to make a correction from previous post I made. I said you can keep a maximum balance of $3000 on your players card which is wrong. You can make a max deposit of $3000 and apparently keep an unlimited balance. Would have to think through the security issues on this and what I would feel comfortable with regarding money balance on this card.
[deleted] Very similar to online games, hard to win 2 in a row, programed to spread the wins no doubt and no control over talking...sharing
Milo TORONTO ACES POKER CLUB;341879 wroteVery similar to online games, hard to win 2 in a row, programed to spread the wins no doubt and no control over talking...sharing Of course you can't win two in a row . . . your foil hat interferes with the wifi.
jdAA88 TORONTO ACES POKER CLUB;341879 wroteVery similar to online games, hard to win 2 in a row, programed to spread the wins no doubt and no control over talking...sharing Agree with this a lot
Scotty12 TORONTO ACES POKER CLUB;341879 wroteVery similar to online games, hard to win 2 in a row, programed to spread the wins no doubt and no control over talking...sharing A poker club bashing its competition with a larger player pool that probably deals twice the hands/hour at what I assume is a much cheaper rake%? Shocking!
Meistro About the misclicked all in, I would have given him the option to fold to my $8 bet (i.e. him hand me $20 cash or whatever the pot would have been and then I fold in the game) before I called the obviously erroneous all in..
RAM_Eh Meistro;343079 wroteAbout the misclicked all in, I would have given him the option to fold to my $8 bet (i.e. him hand me $20 cash or whatever the pot would have been and then I fold in the game) before I called the obviously erroneous all in.. Honestly!!!???
[deleted] I have been about a dozen times and have only lost once.{small loss] I have cashed out up to 3850 at one 6 hour session playing 2 5. The better players are winning at more than twice their normal rate. Play your best game and you will be a consistent winner. I made over 18000 in december .
JimmyHo ne2cards;344420 wroteI made over 18000 in december . Still waiting to hear from someone that lost at Woodbine.
[deleted] pokerJAH;344424 wroteStill waiting to hear from someone that lost at Woodbine. PM jules lol :D
jdAA88 pokerJAH;344424 wroteStill waiting to hear from someone that lost at Woodbine. lol I lost my first session but played pretty bad, other 2 sessions I played a 2-3 hours and left up $150-$225ish playing 1/2 nl
blackmagicz jdAA88;344427 wrotelol I lost my first session but played pretty bad, other 2 sessions I played a 2-3 hours and left up $150-$225ish playing 1/2 nl Next time don't let Tony and BTP bother you so But in all honesty the game is a joke @ woodbine.
betrthanphil ne2cards;344420 wroteI have been about a dozen times and have only lost once.{small loss] I have cashed out up to 3850 at one 6 hour session playing 2 5. The better players are winning at more than twice their normal rate. Play your best game and you will be a consistent winner. I made over 18000 in december . This sounds like a lie 18k playing max 5/5 in 31 days where there is holidays. If its true hats off to you
RAM_Eh pokerJAH;344424 wroteStill waiting to hear from someone that lost at Woodbine. I lost 5-600 last time out. Still a good average tho
blackmagicz betrthanphil;344463 wroteI lost heaps. My table was boring. I played more hands then everyone else combined lol Ok maybe correct this a lost 2 pair a set twice and you got called pretty light in another spot....
Popkorn pokerJAH;344424 wroteStill waiting to hear from someone that lost at Woodbine. I've been there twice, played only once though, played a mix of some $2/5NL, $5/10 limit omaha 8, and some 2/5 PLO. Lost $160, never been back.
Foxrod betrthanphil;344465 wroteIf its true hats off to you it's on the internet, it must be true... :D