I posted a thread on this site a couple of days ago about an upcoming poker charity. I was just trying to get the word out. Turns out some others tried to do the same and get approval first then someone decided to post about the charity on 2+2 and it wasn't allowed. This escalated into an article being written about the incident and Daniel Negraneau posted about the article and 2+2's policies not allowing charities to be promoted on 2+2 on his site FCP. A thread popped up on 2+2 on their policies now.
Interesting reads:
Charity tourney info I posted here:
Article critical of 2+2's policies:
A look at a hypocritical policy at the 2+2 poker forum - National Online Poker | Examiner.com
FCP's thread:
2+2 Is Run By Scumbags - General Poker Forum - FCP Poker Forum
2+2's thread:
Kid Poker calls out Mason Malmuth & Slimy Nerdy 2+2 Mod in rant - Poker News - News, Views and Gossip
If anyone's interested check out the marathon podcast and donate to the charity. It's a good cause.. IMO!