crazykoby No longer a interest list. This is on for sure. This will be a BAP package for all 3 events. Thurs. Sept. 20th NLHE $600 buy-in Fri. Sept. 21st NLHE Bounty $300 buy-in Sat. Sept 22nd NLHE $1100 buy-in Total Buy-in $2000.00 Looking to sell 50%, no markup. Any events not played, due to moving on to day 2 of other event will be refunded. 5% = $100.00 10% = $200.00 SteveKerr - 2.5% - PAID Hobbes - 2.5% - PAID JohnnieH - 2.5% - PAID Pudge - 10% - PAID H.M. - 2.5% - PAID Mark - 5% - PAID Milo - 2.5% - PAID Wolfhound - 2.5% - PAID Actyper - 5% - PAID Str82ace - 5% Westside8 - 5% Hiphippopotamus - 2.5% - PAID Sam - 1% - PAID Jeremy - 1% - PAID SOLD OUT!
crazykoby OK, this is a go. I just booked my flight with Westjet, and staying at the Holiday Inn Downtown. So ship me the money before the 19th. If sending EMT send to the following email
jontm This event is also now listed on Hendon, plus sent in 2011 and April 2012 results. Get those flags!