Cerberus;329025 wroteWhat would your super power be?
What kind of animal would you be (non fantasy animal, has to be in existence currently)?
What extinct animal would you be?
What fantasy creature would you be?
If you could kick one person in the nuts, why would it be Hobbes?
Super power would be either flying or invisible ... flying would be dope and being invisible would allow me to duck from
feds easier :D
I would defenitly be a kitty... I love cats more than anything.
Extinct.. im a retard so im just gonna say dinosaur, however living in that era would be terrifying lol
fantasy creature eh... well.. contary what some may think, I wouldn't be a unicorn (lol) .. i would have to be some sort of sea man / fish hybrid that nails bitches (human hoes) and can swim effortlessly to cool places in south america
jaha, Kicking hobbes in the nuts would only happen because he seems like one of the least likely to flip out.. also, ron would just probably understand and would know that he deserves it lol
good q's cerb...