compuease;328437 wrote1/ What did you really think of me "back in the day"?
2/ Was there one revelation that made you come out? ie stop the shenanigans....
3/ Do you think you can keep it up?
4/ Do you still do the "fed" troll on any other forums?
5/ Since it's really only been a few months of relatively clean living do you think you can keep it up?
I am impressed by the fact that you haven't fallen back into the old ways, at least on the surface. In light of that fact..
6/ Can we trust you to come out to a live forum event one day soon?
7/ Where and under what circumstances did you meet Steve Kerr? I wasn't even aware you two knew each other.
1) back in the day... lol.. Everyone was equally as horrible haha. I have no idea what was running through my brain back then, but you tilted me. You were just doing your job and I realize that now, to be honest, I would have snap banned me over and over again as well.
2) Not really one specific example. I was so sick and tired of being a shit disturber, I think I grew out of it. Also, I love the absolute shit out of this game of poker, and I have networked well through here, and the people that I talk to have all kind of inspired me to "grow up" and to start taking things more seriously.. my poker game improved, and so did I as a person. (I think so anyway's lol)
3) Yes, I do still think I can keep it up, it's who I am. It's taken me a real long time to grow up and "smell the coffee" . I honestly do feel that maybe I have some sort of learning disability or life fail in my life where it takes me alot longer to mature than my peers. This goes back to how I was raised and a whole bunch of shit that im uncomfortable sharing here, but there definitely is/was something wrong with me back in the day.
4) Most of you know of my time on p5's , and even recently, hell even currently I troll some of the members there via twitter. That whole site became a massive level in a short period of time. I told a story about how I had a cat that left me, but then I got it back (true story), and things snow balled from there. In my defence, their attempted trolling on me made me lash out to bring a high level of troll upon them, and the whole thing was a shit show. It was just a game. They are mostly american's who can't even play poker any more, so they have nothing to do but to stir the pot for a little excitement. I was the wrong person to do it with I suppose.
5) yes sir, this is who I am. Also, this is my home forum, this is where I learn, post questions, network, help, and every thing in between. Love this community we have.
6) absolutely, I would love to attend some sort of forum setting game. I've reached out to a couple members up my way just to meet up and say hi, and obv Id really like to meet some of you face to face. Im not sure if people still have a problem with me, but I would hope to meet up and there not to be a confrontation.
7) I wouldn't say we "met" really .. and tbh I cant even really remember the setting, maybe he could fill you in on that? I just remember knowing he was 15 feet from me in this bar/restaurant place, and i was sitting there on my laptop (yes, at a bar) playing online poker because I didn't have the internet at home. I was pretty embarrassed haha , and didn't really have the nerve to say hi. Keep in mind this was a while ago, and I still had my "fed" aura, and need less to say, I was squirmish about meeting someone IRL from here. However, if that was today, at this current point in time, I would walk right up to Steve or anyone and shake their hand, purchase them a beverage and get to know them.