GTA Poker I'm thinking of heading down to LA to play a session of 5/5 or 5/10 on LATB within the next couple of months. For fun, I would be willing to sell 1/2 of my bankroll at 1:1 for the session and everyone could watch it live on the interwebz. Anyone interested?
compuease GTA Poker;328247 wrote and everyone could watch it live on the interwebz. Don't you have to pay for a membership to watch now? Used to be free but didn't it change to pay 2-3 years ago?
JimmyHo last two episodes are always free. On every Tues/Fri night at 10:30pm until 1:30am (Toronto time). They usually run a 5/5 game most nights but sometimes they have a 5/10 uncapped or a 5/5/5 (everyone antes $5) game. One thing to consider GTA is the live show starts at 7:30 local time but they usually get the table going earlier (around 7pm). It is a new table so if players are coming from other tables in the field with more than the max buy-in, they can only buy in for the max for the limits for that evening (typically its a 5/5 game and I think the max is $1k). As the table starts at 7pm, and the live taping starts at 7:30, you may want to consider that in your BAP as stakers will not be able to watch the first 30 minutes of your session. Not sure how you get around this? I guess you could buy in for less than the max and then top up based on the BAP stake once the live taping starts. Just something to be aware of. How would you track the BAP stake? Say you buy in for $1k and the BAPers have 50% interest, if your stack falls to say $400 and you top up to $1k again, would the BAP interest fall to 20% (50% of original $400) of your ending stack? I would think you would want to always play with a full stack. Gets kind of complicated when you have multiple buyins. You definitely want to get on when Harry is playing, which is most nights.