compuease;328115 wroteYou have way too much time on your hands darb... Why not do something productive with your time rather than smoke weed all day? Surely you can't think that's all there is to life, getting high and playing 100's of $2. MTT's all day?
If it is you are sadly off course.
DrTyore;328116 wroteWhat I find funny..
Is that you all keep feeding into this guy's issues! Has nothing better to do all day? He comes on here, goes on these incredibly long exercises in futility with you. It kills hours of his day not answering your questions, meandering around issues, and trying to give legitimacy to lunacy.
I'm not going to address the copious amounts of BS written in this thread (partially because it got TLDR), but Milo, Comp, you guys know what you're going to get from little pothead petey over there, why bother? He's not going to listen to you guys, you're not his friends, or his peers, you're his entertainment.
compuease;328118 wroteTo a point I agree, he won't (or can't) learn but hey I try... Actually I don't think he's a troll in the truest sense of the word as I think he really believes what he is saying, but he sure is misguided.. Kinda feel sorry for him..
DrTyore;328120 wroteDidn't say he was a troll, but that doesn't mean y'all aren't entertainment.
Said it a month back in one of the other diatribes - needs professional help. He won't agree, and has mental defenses set to instantly remove this as a possibility even, without even recognizing it, but that's just WFR.
Can we get rid of this bullshit? It has nothing to do with the thread or OP. We have a mod and another former on a tangent calling me a troll (how ironic!), talking about my poker habits, and trying to suggest I'm psychotic or something. Can we get rid of these posts and ask people to stay on topic?
Or I'm just not allowed to post freely here therefore others can constantly stop by my threads just to purposefully derail them?