jontm;328394 wroteBack to OP...I don't have anything against recreational pot smoking. Very much have issue with driving impaired. Drug tests are easily administered, hate the whole civil rights issue, its my right to know that you are not going to kill someone I love, care for etc.
You say drug tests, but it need to be weed test to see if you are high, I don't know of any test that does that. Maybe there is one? All the tests I know of test for thc in your body which stays for 30 days. If this is true, and you acknowledge it, you see a real issue that you can't know if the driver is high.
And how long after he smokes can he drive? It doesn't work like alcohol.
it absolutely impares, that's why people like it.
I doesn't impair driving. Not a chronic that smokes Sativa all day. All my peers do everything high and don't even think about it.
Taxes are necessary...they may save your grandma, sister, son, or just build the road to the pot store.
Taxes at the doobies store are fine. But thats not the issue, the issue is enough people will grow weed so there won't be any need for a store.
Does pot lead to stronger drugs? In my case and others it certainly did........... I used weed to get off booze, then quit that.
I know many people that used Chronic to quit addictions, and many people that are thankful it saved there life (heroine, meth, coke, crack addicts). It is absolutely our right to have access to that.
Kinda same way cigarette taxes get us stubborn asses kemo later down the road.
Cigarettes cause cancer though so its not the same.