how often are you cbetting here?
PokerStars - $50+$5|15/30 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3:
MP: 3,070.00
MP+1: 2,950.00
Hero (LP): 3,675.00
CO: 2,970.00
BTN: 2,895.00
SB: 2,188.00
BB: 3,060.00
UTG: 3,000.00
UTG+1: 3,155.00
SB posts SB 15.00, BB posts BB 30.00
Pre Flop: (45.00) Hero has Ah Qd
fold, fold, fold, MP+1 raises to 90.00, Hero raises to 285.00, fold, fold, SB calls 270.00, fold, MP+1 calls 195.00
Flop: (885.00, 3 players) 9c 6d 2d
SB checks, MP+1 checks, Hero ?