Wetts1012 NESplay - Play online Nintendo Games on your browser - NES Play. Pick ur game. Headsup screenshot best score. GO
Wetts1012 Ive been playing Blades of Steel and SuperTecmo bowl for like 2 days straight now. Also - California Games, FTW.
Wetts1012 Kristy_Sea;327384 wroteStupid lousy wedding getting in the way of my owning you at SMB1 or 2. Booked for future.
Wetts1012 Milo;327389 wroteLet Billy know when you get to the Kill Screen . . . nononono. Past achievements do not apply. I challenge you to best score in the next 60 minutes (12200 is the current winner!).
DrTyore If ANYONE can get past the speeder bike level of Battletoads.... I'd be damned impressed. Mark
Wetts1012 Milo;327400 wrotedidn;t there used to be a tank battle game? LOL. Im pretty sure I know the game. Im also sure that it wasnt Nintendo, but another platform (Coleco?).
piggypie123 DrTyore;327397 wroteIf ANYONE can get past the speeder bike level of Battletoads.... I'd be damned impressed. Mark LOL, battle Toads, I love that game. I remember playing that years ago. I wonder if they have it for Xbox 360.