Been grinding these for the last week or so . . . Seem to be doing okay. Can these be a long-term profit machine, or am I better off using them as practice for full on SNG's?
double or nothings?
if so they're pretty good, there are succesful DoN grinders out there, it just comes down to really really learning the ropes of the format
$3.50 turbo 50/50 SnGs on Stars. Sort of like a DoN, except that you get the buy-in back, plus $0.11 per 100 chips after half the table is dusted.
Just noodling around with them all week, but I seem to be slowly increasing the bankroll.
I like them if I need the best bet to hit a mark ($ for a BAP, satty etc)
Slow, but easy profit if played patiently IMO. Low risk.
i haven't really played them but i'd guess there could be some +EV since many would probably not play in relation to the format.
That is what I am finding . . . 7 players left, blinds 60/120 + ante (10?), short stack pushes for ~300 total, and no one is willing to call. Worse, they do the same thing on the bubble. Virtually EVERYONE should call at that point to have the best shot at "winning", no?
They are what they are, but don't use them for practice for anything else, dif strategy.
Yeah . . . that was an imperfect concept. Am I wrong about the idea of implied collusion when 6 handed? I can see wanting to up your stack for a bigger pay-out, but unless you're in the top 2, or 5 of the 6 are pretty even, doesn't it make sense to check it down 6 ways against the shorty to end the game?
Milo;327186 wroteThat is what I am finding . . . 7 players left, blinds 60/120 + ante (10?), short stack pushes for ~300 total, and no one is willing to call. Worse, they do the same thing on the bubble. Virtually EVERYONE should call at that point to have the best shot at "winning", no?
nope, you should basically try to let other duke it out almost always. BB is probably gonna have to call 2,5 BB tho, doubt icm effects gets that strong
Really? Hmmm . . .
Not a fan of the 50/50s. As you mentioned full of nits with high blinds looking to make a few pennies. I prefer to play the 6 handed hype turbos. where 1st gets 3.5 x BI and 2nd gets 2.5 x BI. Thnks just my preference. The PLO ones are done really quick, however they are profitable.
Might give that a shot, too . . . Omaha is fun.
Or try those super turbo ko headsup tourneys. I know tonight and next weekend at 7pm is the first phase of the Canada world cup. $2.20
The one thing that someone pointed out to me once is that 50/50s are -EV from the perspective of you are risking more than you can gain ratio wise. E.g. You pay $3.50 to profit $3.00, so not even money.
Still think they are easiest to beat though. With 50% of field paying, they should be.
Milo;327186 wroteThat is what I am finding . . . 7 players left, blinds 60/120 + ante (10?), short stack pushes for ~300 total, and no one is willing to call. Worse, they do the same thing on the bubble. Virtually EVERYONE should call at that point to have the best shot at "winning", no?
This is also what makes them so "juicy" no? Basic SNG strategy, keep the short stack in and attack the nits that won't make this while they blind off hoping for him to bust first?
To better answer your OP and based on what players are pointing out here, if you want to bankroll build slowly yet constistently, these are awesome.
Let's face it, they are rake generators designed for nits, who want to "win" but have low risk and reward. They do just that, so they can have a purpose in rebuilding after a nasty session or running up freeroll monies as 10bi profit is easy for an average player. Avoiding a reload.
Once you have you have a bankroll though, I prefer 6-27 SNG for better ROI, while stabbing at one 180 man.