djgolfcan;327080 wroteAt niagara today playing 1/2 - Get dealt 9c-Ts in the BB. UTG+2 raises to $10, three callers, and I call. Flop is 8h-Jd-Qh - weeee, I flop the nuts. I check, original raiser makes it $50 with $600 behind, it folds to me, I raise to $100, with another $100 behind, he says all in and I insta call and flip over my hand.
The turn is the 5h and the river is the 2h. Ya, he has As-Ah for the nut flush. He has 8.5% after the flop to win the hand.
You should have called me . . . ask STR82ACE what I can do to Aces . . . :D